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Hanna Yateem

Hanna Yateem

Hanna Yateem

Hanna Yateem has introduced herself so many times in her life that she’s nearly forgotten who she is.

After growing up on the unassuming desert island of Bahrain with a German-Arab background, Hanna graduated from the University of Southampton with a BA in History. Her interests then, as now, were quite varied; but might be summed up as “concepts of modernity, and national/imperial identities, and also the Middle East”. She wrote her thesis on the history of women’s movements in the Muslim world, with a focus on Egypt and Iran; and used that as a jumping-off point to discuss synchronous political developments in the twentieth-century Middle East, and how highly visible issues (such as women’s rights) are frequently used as political tools by organizations and governments. Between degrees, Hanna has translated for an international company, done social work for a national institution, and interned at a local history project. In her free time Hanna enjoys taking photographs of urban art and drinking hot chocolate, and lately she’s been reading a lot of Neil Gaiman.

Global histories