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Course Plan



Please note that this course plan is just a suggestion of how you might want to organise your classes, especially if you want to complete the course within four semesters. You may wish to take the modules in a completely different order and that is completely up to you. Besides the compulsory Module 1 in the first semester and the MA Colloquium, which we suggest taking once you've completed your course work, the option is yours.

The new SPO contains a compulsory section of global history in the amount of 45 LPs (credit points), a specialization section in the amount of 40 LPs and an optional section in the amount of 10 LPs. The MA thesis is 25 LPs. 

The compulsory section of global history includes M1: Global Histories, M2: Global Spaces, M3: Global Configurations as well as the colloquium and the master's thesis. M2 and M3 each include a module examination (term paper).

The area of specialization consists of two compulsory modules and one elective module:

The compulsory modules of the area of specialization (M4: Regions in Global History and M5: Issues in Global History) each include a module examination (term paper).  

The area of specialization also includes one elective compulsory module (module without module examination).

Here students can choose one of the following three module offers:

1. specializing in a specific historical period (either M6, M7, M8 or M9)


2. a theoretical-methodological module (M11) 


3. an eight-week internship (M10).

A further module without examination is taken in the interdisciplinary elective area. Here it is possible to get credit for language courses, worth 10 LP (credit points)  in total.

However, modules from other HU or FU subjects can also be chosen freely according to personal interests (e.g. a module in philosophy, sociology, computer science, etc.).

Except in the compulsory global history section, all courses are elective courses. This means that students can freely choose and combine different types of courses (seminar, exercise, lecture, etc.) within the modules. In order to obtain the points for active and regular participation, students are subject to the respective regulations of the seminar.

Glossary of terms:

Modul: In general, two courses make up a module. For the most part, a module consists of a lecture (Vorlesung - VL) and a seminar (Seminar - SE). However, modules can also consist of advanced seminars (Hauptseminare – HS) and group work (Übungen – UE).

Seminar: In seminars (Seminare - SE) students and lecturers elaborate on a specific subject matter. During the seminars, students are expected to acquire basic academic knowledge and the methodology of academic work while dealing with selected topics.

Vorlesung: During a lecture (Vorlesung - VL), the classic teaching format at universities, a lecturer presents the subject matter, and students take notes and expand upon the topic through private study.

Übung: Group work (Übung - UE) gives students an opportunity to study in-depth the subject matter presented during lectures.

Hauptseminar: Advanced seminars (Hauptseminare - HS) are an introduction to working independently in an academic setting on a fairly broad subject for senior students.

Old Course Plan (SPO 2012) 

Global histories