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Current Curriculum

The annotated course catalog of the Winter Semester 2024/25 is available here.

Current Core Courses: Winter Semester 2024/25

M1: Global Spaces

1. Lecture Series: The World in Global History (joint lecture of the Global History Faculty)

Tue 4pm-6pm (Room A127, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut (FMI), Koserstraße 20)


2. Seminar: Approaches to Global History 


Tue 2-4pm (Sebastian Conrad; Room A121, FMI)


Tue 8-10am (Michael Goebel; Room A121, FMI)


Tue 2-4pm (Michael Goebel; Room A163, FMI)


M2: Global Histories

The 1990s: A Global History (Tobias Becker )

Tue 10am-12pm (Room A124, FMI)

Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Bellows-Blakely)

Thu 2-4pm (Room A124, FMI)


Nazi Crimes in the Worlds Courts (Fabien The’ofilakis)

Tue 4-6pm (Room A184, FMI)


Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)

Thu 10am-12pm (Room A125, FMI)


Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)

Mon 10am-12pm (Room A320, FMI)


The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)

(Block Course; Room A121, FMI)


Towards a Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)

Tue 6-8pm (Room A121, FMI)


Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)

Mon 2-4pm (Room A163, FMI)


A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)

Wed 2-4pm (Room A320, FMI)


Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)

Fri 10am-12pm (Room A336, FMI)


The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)

Mon 10am-12pm (Room A125, FMI)


The Habsburg Empire 1848-1918: old controversies, new perspectives (Hannes Grandits)

Thu 10am-12pm (Room 1.404, Dorotheenstr. 24)


Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)

Thu 2-4pm (Room 4026, Friedrichstr. 191)


Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)

Tue 4-6pm (Room 4031, Friedrichstr. 191)


Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)

Mon 2-4pm (Room A320, FMI)


The Formation of National Identities in the Middle East (Florian Zemmin)

 Mon 12-2pm (Room 0.3099B, Fabeckstr. 23-25)


Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)

Thu 10am-12pm (Room: B Seminarraum, Garystraße 55)


Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)

Tue 12-2pm (Room 1.505, Dorotheenstr. 24)


M3: Global Configurations

The 1990s: A Global History (Tobias Becker )

Tue 10am-12pm (Room A124, FMI)

Africa in Global History: Potentials, Limits, and Frictions (Sarah Bellows-Blakely)

Thu 2-4pm (Room A124, FMI)


Nazi Crimes in the World’s Courts (Fabien The’ofilakis)

Tue 4-6pm (Room A184, FMI)


Forced labor, slavery, traffic in women: International anti-trafficking regimes in the 20th century (Sonja Dolinsek)

Thu 10am-12pm (Room A125, FMI)


Remaking the world? An intellectual history of decolonization (Alexandra Paulin-Booth)

Mon 10am-12pm (Room A320, FMI)


The Interwar World: Connections and Disruptions in the 1920s & 1930s (Andreas Greiner)

(Block Course; Room A121, FMI)


Towards a Global Queer History (Benjamin Miller)

Tue 6-8pm (Room A121, FMI)


Empire and Environment: The Origins of the Anthropocene in Global Colonial History (Frederik Schröer)

Mon 2-4pm (Room A163, FMI)


A Global History of Nations and Nationalism(s) (Deniz Kilincoglu)

Wed 2-4pm (Room A320, FMI)


Global Waves: Sound and Media Technologies and Society, 1700-2000 (Nazan Maksudyan Ilicak)

Fri 10am-12pm (Room A336, FMI)


The Cold War: Global Perspectives and Legacies (Ned Richardson-Little)

Mon 10am-12pm (Room A125, FMI)


Finance and State in Global Perspective (Alexander Nützenadel)

Thu 2-4pm (Room 4026, Friedrichstr. 191)


Medievalism, Orientalism, and Racism (Dorothea Weltecke)

Tue 4-6pm (Room 4031, Friedrichstr. 191)


Cities in Global History (Michael Goebel)

Mon 2-4pm (Room A320, FMI)


Imperial Encounters: Russia, Japan, and China Scramble for Manchuria, 1850-1950 (Martin Wagner)

Thu 10am-12pm (Room: B Seminarraum, Garystraße 55)


Global History of Peace (Geert Castryck)

Tue 12-2pm (Room 1.505, Dorotheenstr. 24)


M11: Current Historical Research: Themes, Methods and Theory of Global History 

Global History Colloquium (Sebastian Conrad, Michael Goebel)

Mon 4-6pm (Room A 336, FMI)


Research Design Learning – From Research Idea to Research Publication within New Area Studies (Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pineu)

Fri 10am-2pm, bi-weekly (Room 315, Invalidenstr. 118)


M12: Colloquium

Mastercolloquium Global History

Ulrike Schaper
Tue 10am-12pm (Room A336, FMI)


Ulrike Schaper
Tue 12-2pm (Room A336, FMI)

Course archive

Courses offered in the summer term 2024.

Courses offered in the winter term 2023/24.

Courses offered in the summer term 2023.

Courses offered in the winter term 2022/23.

Courses offered in the summer term 2022.

Courses offered in the winter term 2021/22.

Courses offered in the summer term 2021.

Courses offered in the winter term 2020/2021.

Courses offered in the summer term 2020.

Courses offered in the winter term 2019/2020.

Courses offered in the summer term 2019.

Courses offered in the winter term 2018/19.

Courses offered in the summer term 2018.

Courses offered in the winter term 2017/2018.

Courses offered in the summer term 2017.

Courses offered in the winter term 2016/2017.

Courses offered in the summer term 2016.

Courses offered in the winter term 2015/2016.

Courses offered in the summer term 2015.

Courses offered in the winter term 2014/2015.

Courses offered in the summer term 2014.

Courses offered in the winter term 2013/2014.

Courses offered in the summer term 2013.

Courses offered in the winter term 2012/2013.


Global histories